Quocirca Print Security Brand Perception

£3,000.00 ex. VAT

With security now table stakes in the print industry, it is vital that vendors can clearly articulate how their security offer is differentiated and the breadth and depth of their capabilities across hardware, software, and services.

Pages: 13

Executive Summary Report
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As print security rises on the agenda, vendors are stepping up their efforts to deliver broader security services and solutions that encompass device, document, and data security. With security now table stakes in the print industry, it is vital that vendors can clearly articulate how their security offer is differentiated and the breadth and depth of their capabilities across hardware, software, and services.

This report discusses the brand perceptions of the key print manufacturers regarding their security offerings by region, organisation size, industry sector, and respondent age and job role. It should be read in conjunction with Quocirca’s Print Security Landscape, 2024, which discusses the key trends around print security.