Global Print 2025 market insight study finds the print industry must adapt to survive in the digital workplace


71% of industry executives expect market disruption but only 39% feel well prepared to respond

London, 5th March 2018: Analyst group Quocirca today released its Global Print 2025 market insight study, which delivers a powerful insight into the future of the print industry. The comprehensive research, undertaken among print industry executives and end users, examines how the workplace will evolve in the next seven years and identifies the transformative trends that will affect the industry. It reveals a mixed picture of optimism tempered with recognition of the strategic imperative for manufacturers and channel businesses to adapt so they can thrive in a digital-focused, disruptive landscape.

Key findings include:

Industry executives

  • 60% of print manufacturers feel positive about future revenue growth.
  • 71% of print industry executives expect there will be disruption ahead – but only 39% say their organisations are very well prepared for it.
  • 74% cite moving to a service-centric model as a major challenge, 69% are concerned about meeting the demands of a millennial workforce

End users

  • Mobile employees are expected to account for more than half of the workforce by 2025
  • 84% of organisations rate security as a top investment priority with cloud and enterprise mobility close behind
  • 64% of employees believe printed documents will still be important in 2025

Louella Fernandes, Director of Research at Quocirca, comments: “The workplace is evolving at an unprecedented rate. As the importance of conventional print declines and digitisation initiatives accelerate, we discovered an industry that is acutely aware of the strategic need to adapt to survive in the face of disruption.”

Industry executives remain positive despite concerns over disruption and ability to innovate

Despite an anticipated drop in print volumes, print industry executives are positive about the future. However, the potential for industry disruption is high on the radar, with 71% of executives expecting to experience major disruption to their business model by 2025. Despite this, only 39% feel that they are well prepared to respond.

When asked to identify the biggest challenges facing them over the next seven years, 74% of executives cited the need to evolve from a product-centric to a service-centric business, while 69% recognised the importance of addressing the demands of millennials, who will represent 75% of the workforce by 2025.

Furthermore, 64% of manufacturers recognise that innovation is crucial to success in a disruptive environment, but they show concern about their ability to foster that innovative culture, with 80% rating this as the primary challenge to overcome between now and 2025.

Opportunities and threats in a changing workplace

Among end user organisations the move to mobile gathers pace, with mobile employees expected to account for more than half of the workforce by 2025. The importance of paper documents will continue to decline in the workplace as digital alternatives to paper-based processes become widespread. However, print may be changing but it is not disappearing: 64% of end users believe paper documents will still be important in 2025.

The study showed that mobile and cloud printing, security and paper-to-digital workflow are the top areas where end user organisations expect greater performance and these represent significant opportunities for the industry. Print companies who aim to capitalise on these demands must invest in software and big data expertise and become trusted partners to assist customers with their digital transformation projects and deliver analytics-based insights into workflow efficiency.

Louella Fernandes comments: “The print industry needs to reinforce its relevance to the changing workplace and the millennial generation that inhabits it. With conventional print volumes and influence with customers declining, the industry must turn its attention to delivering a service-centric model that combines mobility, flexibility and security alongside big data insights that improve performance and efficiency for customers.

“Manufacturers must use their trusted brand capital as a springboard for innovation, evolving intelligently to explore new opportunities while protecting legacy business. An open approach to partnering with innovative newcomers who offer complementary software and service solutions is crucial to future success.”

Global Print 2025 delivers a detailed analysis of the future opportunities and challenges of the global print market alongside strategic recommendations for print industry companies aiming to thrive in this rapidly changing environment. It includes case studies of innovative industry entrants and initiatives by key industry players on the road to digital transformation. To download an executive summary, click here.


About Global Print 2025

Global Print 2025 is a global market insight study delivered by leading analyst firm Quocirca, led by Research Director and industry expert Louella Fernandes. Quocirca produces independent research and thought leadership on a broad spectrum of IT trends. Through primary research across Europe, the US and Asia Pacific Quocirca delivers strategic insight to technology vendors across the globe.

Research Director Louella Fernandes is globally recognised as a leading authority on market trends in the print, imaging and managed services industry. With 25 years’ experience in the sector, she provides an unparalleled insight into the evolution of print in the digital age and is a highly respected authority on digital disruption in the print industry.

A valued source of market intelligence and strategic insight for print manufacturers, channel partners and ISVs, Louella’s expertise is widely sought on issues concerning the future of the print hardware, software and managed services sector.

Global Print 2025 brings together international primary research, in-depth analysis and market-leading sector expertise to deliver the definitive insight into the global future of print in the digital workplace.

Global Print 2025 is sponsored by global leaders in the print industry. Quocirca would like to thank all sponsors for their support with this study.

Published : 5th March 2018